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SGX Group
Your Complete Supply Chain Solutions Provider.

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From finished goods warehousing to accounts receivable we get your products to your customers throughout SA.

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Retail, wholesale, merchandising and trade marketing. Rely on our collective trade experience to convert your products into sales.

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Sales, distribution and trade marketing services throughout Namibia. We will expand your brand footprint into Africa.

Why Work With Us?

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Drop points






Delivery vehicles



Square meters of warehouses

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“With a relationship of over 25 years, you have served us to grow our brands extensively, you are now family.”


Shaun Chaplin – Managing Director Promasidor

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“Boardman Bros (Pty) Ltd is honoured to be associated with SGX Distributors Simpex for the past 5 years. Our business and footprint in Namibia has grown due to their dedication and loyalty to our brands and we look forward to many more years together.”


Derick Boardman - Sales & Marketing Director Boardman Bros (Pty) Ltd

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Cutting Edge IT Systems.

Data-driven insights create a better understanding of the trade and enable optimal stock management, sales forecasting and business intelligence to uncover opportunities and increase efficiencies.

We are a nationwide network connected via our partners' Secure Private Cloud.

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Value Driven Solutions.

Solutions are shared amongst numerous Principals on the same platform, thus sharing the cost of ownership between Principals without compromising the individual integrity or security of sensitive data.

We understand Supply Chain Solutions.

We focus on understanding your business needs and processes, in order to provide solutions that fit your requirements. Our Account Executives will provide you with dedicated expertise and visibility throughout your supply chain.

Our IT partners' Secure Private Cloud offers business intelligence that is user friendly and integrated to provide you with
real-time insights and reporting.


Get in touch.

If you have any questions, please send us a message. 

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Ready for an effective solution that delivers maximum results?

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